So... We had yet another ultrasound this evening. For the most part, all things look good. She weighs 5 1/2 pounds and is now in the head ward down position - which is where she should be!
She's in the 50% for growth/size so right in the middle. He said we were on course to have approximately "a 7 pounder." He said he couldn't do length measurements anymore as she's too large to fit into the screen and as he said "we can't uncurl her and there's not enough room to do measurements like that..."
We got to see her head, heart, liver/stomach area, spine etc... I inquired what the hard ball in the upper top half of my stomach was and as I suspected - it's her behind... with her legs that kick me quite frequently in the ribs...! So - it was nice to get that confirmed! It all makes sense to me - as I can completely feel her butt and then each of the kicks.
The other thing we learned though... Wasn't as good.
My amniotic fluid is very low. He said it was low and so we asked what the range is for normal. Normal is 14 and up. Mine is 7. He said "once it hits 5 to 5.5, we induce."
Basically, what it means is that I need to take it easy and that I've been doing too much, too often.
No more walking the dog, no more gym trips - per doctor's orders, I'm to cut out "all intentional exercise."
The placenta isn't getting sufficient blood flow and therefore, the baby is dehydrated and isn't peeing like she should which creates a low amniotic fluid level.
I have a sinking feeling that what this means is bed rest. My OB already told me to "cut back a few hours each day" from work when I saw her on Tuesday for my weekly check-up. I am sure - once she receives the fax from the MD tonight - that tomorrow she might very well tell me I need to go on partial or complete bed rest which is really, really not what I want to have happen. (we still have so much to do and I have much to do at work!)
As I'm told - I need to make a concerted effort to sit down, put my feet up, and/or lie down on either side - all to increase flow to the baby. Otherwise... I deliver early as they have to induce if the fluids drop. A couple/few weeks early is okay but she really should stay in there a couple more weeks at the very least to get larger so we at least get to 6 - 6 1/2 pounds. And hopefully avoid having a baby that needs to go to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
So..... Yet another 'fun' symptom/complication of pregnancy. At least I'm trying out quite a few this round. Perhaps the next go at it will be less 'exciting...'
With 5 weeks to go - bed rest for that period seems like a long time and I'm sure the folks at my office wouldn't be too pleased. However, if it comes to that - hopefully I can still read and write and work on a laptop - while lying in bed... maybe??
But as we know - making sure she's as safe and healthy as possible is the first priority. If that means bed rest for the next 5 weeks - so be it. I have a very helpful, useful, efficient, and loving husband... who will, I'm sure, relish all of his new "tasks..." =)
And the thing is - it's a very busy weekend coming up!
I have to speak at the Laguna Blanca School 75th anniversary kick-off celebrations tomorrow then we have Karen's Baby Shower (very exciting!! Lots of cheese!!) tomorrow night.
Saturday is Tom's 30th Birthday!!!
The day starts with one of my showers hosted by Missy & my Mom - and then we all go out to toast Tom and the end of his twenties...
Plus... Devon has amazingly flown in from Boston for the weekend - so I want to go around and see the town with her!!
Perhaps 'bed rest' can wait until Sunday afternoon?