Today we went to Cyanne's 4 week "wellness visit."
He was "extremely pleased" with her weight gain. She's now up to....
7 lbs 6 ounces!!
Tom & I were very happy to hear that she'd put on this much weight in the last 18 days (she'd been 5 lbs 9 oz at the last visit). Some of her preemie clothes are even seeming small - we might be able to progress into the 0-3 months clothes soon!
She grew an inch to 20". Her head also grew... not sure on those measurements.
All else looked okay which is good!
He also gave us the booklet on vaccinations - poor girl... which will happen at our next visit at the end of November.
She was very well behaved as he examined her. Good little girl she is =).
We apparently have a smile to look forward to within the next 2 weeks or so.
We also have an intense period of gassiness and fussiness for the next 2 weeks which we have been experiencing the last few days.
It's amazing the change really - since Friday she's been super gassy, upset, harder to soothe and the least fun part of all for Mom & Dad - doesn't sleep much at all. Two hours in a row is considered long these days... So we're feeling a bit tired, to say the least...
But - sleep deprivation aside - i'll take the excellent MD visit!
Her next visit - November 3oth - seems so far away. Post-Thanksgiving!
I'm sure though that if the upcoming weeks pass as quickly as the last four, it'll be here before we know it.