Happy Valentine's Day!!
So... it's just noon here and it has been quite an interesting day thus far.
First off though, I'd just like to say that things have changed quite a bit from Valentine's past. Before, the big decision for the day would be what nice restaurant Tom & I would go to for dinner... Also, perhaps, what I would get him as a gift. Perhaps, what kind of flowers he'd hopefully get for me. Well, things have changed!
I doubt we'll even make it out for dinner at all! Though we might just try and take Cyanne out for her first Valentine's Day dinner. We shall see...
But - the interesting part of the day was this:
I always order Tom a box of chocolate for each holiday from Burdick's - our favorite store in Cambridge... (my Dad is also a beneficiary, these days) So, I ordered his usual lb. assortment as well as a 1/2 lb. order of lemon peel dipped in dark chocolate. As well as a little chocolate cake for 2. This morning, while I was feeding Cyanne, I hear the FedEx truck stop at our driveway then drive away so I think to myself - okay... I need to go get the box before Tom gets back from work.
But... as things always are these days - I'm feeding her, shushing... trying to get her to take a nap, looking at my work email... trying to get some stuff done for work - and then Cyanne wakes up from her brief nap. So, I think - let's take a fun little trip outside to get Daddy's chocolate.
Well... Lucky got to it first.
As we all know - chocolate and dogs are a bad bad combination.
So first I proceed to yell at him - I'm sure the neighbors could hear me saying 'bad dog' over and over... then I realized i'm still holding the baby - so I lay her down on one of the seats in the car - and inspected the damage.
Lucky ate the ENTIRE pound of chocolate... plus the ENTIRE box of chocolate dipped fruit.
(as an aside, this was a VERY expensive dog treat for those of you who know this store!!!?!!!)
At least he hadn't reached the cake which had a corner of the box gnawed off... It is currently, safely in our refrigerator.
After my annoyance/anger wore off, I then realized that it was likely a bad thing he ate the chocolate. So in Cyanne and I went to call the vet...
30 minutes later, we're at the vet and Lucky gets his stomach pumped!!...
Poor guy. So perhaps my yelling and nasty looks at him combined with having his stomach pumped & being given vomit inducing drugs will make him think twice before chewing on a package that arrives at our house. (he has done this before... I've lost a J Crew sweater to a few dog chewed holes in the past... ) The vet said he should be fine...
So... he's still there - Tom's on his way to get him now - but so far, has been a rather eventful Valentine's day so far...
On a better note:
Here are some photos of Cyanne in her Valentine's Day outfit - she not sure what she thinks of it all =)...
1) Hmmm... Wow, this is exciting, sort of... At least I get to wear a fun outfit!

Hm... Well, this doesn't seem too exciting to me. Rather ho-hum, I'd say... I'd say 'been there, done that' but I haven't!...

Well, maybe this could be fun. Hey, wait, you're still taking photos of me!?! I am not going to smile, so you can just quit trying to make me!
Cyanne wants to wish you all a very happy, festive, and fun Valentine's Day.
She's sending you all big, wet, slobbery, gummy kisses =)...

Tom was good! He opted for some of my favorites instead of the traditional roses... =) Though he did bring home a bunch of red tulips earlier in the week. Has been a good week for flowers around here!
One last shot of Cyanne playing on her activity mat - she's definitely starting to reach for all of the things dangling down...