A few things about Cyanne's life at 6 months:
- rolling from front to back
- smiling, laughing (a lot)
- "talking" - she's getting to be quite a talker!
- grabbing her feet
- sucking on all parts of her hands
- grabbing for most everything in front of her (bottles, blankets, toys, mommy's hair/necklace/glasses/wine glass...)
- looking when we say her name or following us as we move about a room
- fascination with the cats and dog (this appears not to be reciprocated by the cats (yet) but Lucky seems to like her... =))
- a love of the outdoors (the surefire way to calm her down is to take a stroll outside...)
- great curiosity looking at other babies
- moving around when we lay her down - she's almost always in a position 90-180 degrees different from where we put her down
- seems to really enjoys the music we play for her
- tries to eat board books when we read to her
- appears very interested in our food... eating cereal is looking like one our weekend activities!
- not yet a fan of orange juice on daddy's finger... =)
The size shot in the rocking chair for comparison
Daddy's so funny...
And then...
Cyanne decided that turning 6 months was hard work.
A nap sounded pretty good.
Quite the little angel we've got here...