Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy 6 Months Cyanne!

Here we are at 6 months.
A few things about Cyanne's life at 6 months:
  • rolling from front to back
  • smiling, laughing (a lot)
  • "talking" - she's getting to be quite a talker!
  • grabbing her feet
  • sucking on all parts of her hands
  • grabbing for most everything in front of her (bottles, blankets, toys, mommy's hair/necklace/glasses/wine glass...)
  • looking when we say her name or following us as we move about a room
  • fascination with the cats and dog (this appears not to be reciprocated by the cats (yet) but Lucky seems to like her... =))
  • a love of the outdoors (the surefire way to calm her down is to take a stroll outside...)
  • great curiosity looking at other babies
  • moving around when we lay her down - she's almost always in a position 90-180 degrees different from where we put her down
  • seems to really enjoys the music we play for her
  • tries to eat board books when we read to her
  • appears very interested in our food... eating cereal is looking like one our weekend activities!
  • not yet a fan of orange juice on daddy's finger... =)
Here are some shots from this morning:

The size shot in the rocking chair for comparison

Daddy's so funny...

And then...
Cyanne decided that turning 6 months was hard work.
A nap sounded pretty good.
Quite the little angel we've got here...

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Cacophony of Cries

Ah... the sounds spreading throughout the car and spilling out the windows.
I had to laugh to myself as I drove to and from the vet this afternoon.

On the way there, the car was filled with the plaintive sounds of meowing. Sad, sorrowful cries by Max and Sonsie.
Saying - why, oh why, do you have us in these carriers? We haven't been in these since we moved here!
Cyanne hung out in her chair in the backseat on the way there...
And in the vet's office. (Nothing like holding a baby, trying to feed her the bottle, and carrying on a conversation with the vet about rabies vaccines or something possibly lodged in Sonsie's abdomen. But I digress from the noises.)

On the way home - oh my!

Max, Sonsie, and Cyanne all chimed in. It was a vocal orchestra.
There were high pitched cries, meows, and bursts of noise from Cyanne who is exploring her vocal range...

I had the radio on but frankly, you couldn't really hear it.

I laughed out loud as they all just sounded so funny - especially together.
I thought to myself as I drove down Cathedral Oaks towards our driveway - now, who do I take out first? Who gets to get out of the car and into the house before the rest?
(the cats won out on that...)

It was quite a cacophony of sounds.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Four years ago today, Tom & I were married here in Santa Barbara.
It has been a wonderful four years.

We have traveled a lot, experienced a lot, learned a lot, and of course, loved a lot.
Each year has been unique and special in its own way.
However, the last was arguably the most amazing.
Amazing in that it is no longer just the two of us.
We are now three.

Here are a few recent photographs of our amazing, beautiful baby girl.
I feel so blessed to have such an incredible, loving, and caring husband and now added to that, a sweet, entertaining, and adorable daughter.

Each day is truly a gift.
I couldn't ask for anything more.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cyanne meets her best friend Anna

Yesterday, we were very lucky to have a visit from Karen & Anna.
I had a great time hanging out with Karen but I think Cyanne had an even better time staring at Anna.
So fascinating.

Cyanne is intrigued by Anna...
Anna is quite the squirmer... mover... check out the rapid arm movements!

I love this shot -
They really were just staring at each other.
So interesting other babies are.
Their faces are very entertaining.

A few shots of Anna and Cyanne hangin' out on the couch.
They slowly slide down and start to tip over...
Neither has yet quite gotten the hang of the whole sitting up business.

They are holding hands!... =)
Anna was moving a tad faster than Cyanne...

Here we have the tipping over...

Cyanne can't wait until they're both a little bigger and can crawl and run around with each other.

We can't wait for a return visit!

Cyanne's sun hat

I think this hat is adorable.
Every time I see her in it... it's just too cute.
I love her expressions...
Our little California babe in the sunshine...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sleeping, Round 2

Perhaps Cyanne is taunting us... giving us teasers of what is (hopefully) to come.
Last night she slept from 9 PM - 6 AM!!
That's the longest stretch she's had yet.
My alarm went off at 6 and I realized I hadn't woken up in the middle of the night.

Cyanne woke up shortly thereafter.

We're going to have to go get black-out shades or something similar for her room as it gets very bright and sunny in there just after 6 when the sun rises.

But... just wanted to share. Sad how focused our lives are on sleep these days but that's just the way it goes.

Yeah Cyanne!
Now, just make Mommy & Daddy super super happy and do it again!
(and again... and again!)...