Sunday, we started off the day with some Easter chocolate. I'd ordered Tom some chocolate from Burdick's in Cambridge where we loved to go when we lived there. He was quite excited to get his big chocolate truffle egg!

He and Cyanne dove in... she has developed quite a love of (very dark) chocolate like her father, thanks to my parents...

Next, we went to the Easter service at First Presbyterian Church.

It was a very nice service. We had reserved 3 Easter lilies in honor of Nanny so it was nice to see those all around the church and be reminded of her. I sat there thinking of the many times I had accompanied her on Easter mornings in years past. I remember her getting all dressed up for it in her pink suit and pearl earrings and necklace. And, as I said to Tom, I know she'd have been so happy and pleased knowing that we were there, in her church, listening to the Easter service with our two little girls, thinking of her, and saying a prayer. If she's watching from up above, I know she had a smile on her face watching us there, carrying on a tradition that meant so much to her. I only wish she'd been able to meet Maritt. I know she would have been so touched and pleased knowing we named Maritt after her grandmother from Norway.
The church events start with... guesses???.... another Easter Egg hunt! So, all of the kids ran off and searched the grassy area. Cyanne was getting a bit more adventerous at this point and managed to find a few more eggs - again with Tom's help.

We then went to the service and she did well - up until the point where she slipped on the pew and hit her chin/face into the wooden back of the pew in front of us. I'd like to say this happened during a hymn so her wails blended in but, alas, it did not.
Tom and Cyanne left and I stayed in the sanctuary with Maritt.
We then moved to the back so I could feed her while T and C were doing crafts and exploring the church.

Apparently though, going to church made quite an impression on Cyanne because she has since mentioned it quite a few times to Olivia, her teacher, and she sings this little song and says "Mommy, Daddy, Minute! - church! Ladies sing songs. Music!" So, she must've really enjoyed the organ and the choir... We will try and take her again.
After church, we ended up at my parent's house Sunday evening for another... easter egg hunt!!.... and dinner. Maritt finally go to wear the 'fancy' dress my Mom got her for Easter (navy velvet with pink and white embroidered flowers).

Cyanne had fun - she'd gotten the hang of this whole easter egg business by this point. This time, she had the lawn all to herself and went briskly from egg to egg.
Please note the Blabey tongue-out look of concentration:

Feeding the fish in the fish pond. Apparently, there is a fish in there that Cyanne helped pick out at Petco with my Mom... She really likes feeding the fish both at my parent's house and at Nanna & Grandpa's house in Cooperstown. Lucky, well-fed fish!

My mom and Cyanne like to dangle their feet in the pool. Cyanne says it's "really cold! really cold!" =)

We also walked down the street from their house to visit a horse named Samson. She LOVES visiting him... she feeds him apples. So, we paid him an easter visit and gave him some fresh apples as a treat. She couldn't understand why he was more into his fresh hay and alfalfa he'd just received... =)

It was a very nice dinner and a nice way to end the weekend.