The other day she chose this outfit:
We decided to create this blog so that our friends and family far and wide could stay up to date with recent events. We will update this blog with news and photos of Cyanne and Maritt, family life, Ranch happenings, and life in SB in general. Welcome to the world Cyanne and Maritt!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cyanne's Sense of Style
Cyanne has entered the stage where she loves to pick out her own clothes and outfits for the day. She gets so excited. She loves dresses. She loves sparkles. She loves shoes. She often runs back to her room saying "today, I'm going to wear a dress!"
The other day she chose this outfit:
The other day she chose this outfit:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Maritt's 15 Month Check-up
Maritt started off Valentine's Day with a visit to Dr. Brennan to see how she was doing at 15 months. Not exactly the most fun start but hey, we learned some fun new information and she was a trooper.
We'd been a little worried as she'd had a cold for over 3 weeks but he said it was likely just back to back viruses. Her ears looked good and she is getting lots of teeth/molars in, hence the hands in her mouth all of the time.
He said she looked great - growing well, and was right on track. We should keep talking and reading to her a lot to increase her vocabulary. We said she could basically say Dada, Bear, Book, and sometimes Mama and 'titi' for kitty. She's great with her signs and frequently uses "all done" "more" "milk" "thank you" "please" and "hungry/eat."
The one thing she's doing now that cracks us up is she emphatically nods yes for yes and shakes her head for no. It's extremely handy when we're trying to see if she'd like something. She'll nod very clearly for grapes, nix the carrots - or whatever it is. Very helpful, Maritt!
She has great motor skills - she uses her fine motor skills very well and is walking/running and climbing everywhere. I think trying to keep up with Cyanne is a huge motivator for her. =)
Here are her stats:
Height: 31 3/4" (90% !!!)(she's tall!)
Weight: 23 lbs, 3 oz (50%)
Head Circumference 47 cm (75%)
How we currently have a tall child is a mystery to us =). Well, there are tall genes in our families... Who knows, maybe Maritt will be taller than both Tom and me.
She did a great job. She got 3 vaccinations and yes, one was the "stinger" they always talk about. She cried but recovered quickly. It's sad though, the escalation in the crying. She totally knew something not so good was coming. She started hugging me more and more tightly and trying to scoot away from the nurse who had the tray of needles. I don't blame her, frankly... But, with each shot, her cries got louder and more distressed. But, after a quick few seconds, it was over and she held her Bear. Then, all was well... Ah, that bear. She loves him.
Happy Valentine's Day!
We'd been a little worried as she'd had a cold for over 3 weeks but he said it was likely just back to back viruses. Her ears looked good and she is getting lots of teeth/molars in, hence the hands in her mouth all of the time.
He said she looked great - growing well, and was right on track. We should keep talking and reading to her a lot to increase her vocabulary. We said she could basically say Dada, Bear, Book, and sometimes Mama and 'titi' for kitty. She's great with her signs and frequently uses "all done" "more" "milk" "thank you" "please" and "hungry/eat."
The one thing she's doing now that cracks us up is she emphatically nods yes for yes and shakes her head for no. It's extremely handy when we're trying to see if she'd like something. She'll nod very clearly for grapes, nix the carrots - or whatever it is. Very helpful, Maritt!
She has great motor skills - she uses her fine motor skills very well and is walking/running and climbing everywhere. I think trying to keep up with Cyanne is a huge motivator for her. =)
Here are her stats:
Height: 31 3/4" (90% !!!)(she's tall!)
Weight: 23 lbs, 3 oz (50%)
Head Circumference 47 cm (75%)
How we currently have a tall child is a mystery to us =). Well, there are tall genes in our families... Who knows, maybe Maritt will be taller than both Tom and me.
She did a great job. She got 3 vaccinations and yes, one was the "stinger" they always talk about. She cried but recovered quickly. It's sad though, the escalation in the crying. She totally knew something not so good was coming. She started hugging me more and more tightly and trying to scoot away from the nurse who had the tray of needles. I don't blame her, frankly... But, with each shot, her cries got louder and more distressed. But, after a quick few seconds, it was over and she held her Bear. Then, all was well... Ah, that bear. She loves him.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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