We were thrilled (and I do mean counting-down-the-weeks-and-days-thrilled) to have Nanna & Grandpa visit with us. They arrived March 10th and stayed with us until the 21st when they sadly departed in the early morning to head back to Cooperstown.
We all had a fantastic time while they were here.
Tom put Richard to work (really, he asked for it... =)) in a multitude of ways: finishing up the swingset. Thanks to him, there are now handles, ropes, flags, a chimney, and dormers on the set. It looks like a proper swingset now!; Pulling vines out of the poplar trees; hanging a new light fixture in our dining room (we can now see in there again!); hanging pictures and photos in many different rooms... and on.... and on... To say he is a super, project-oriented, cheerful, and motivated helper or handyman is an understatement. Really, I think we'd be hard-pressed to find anything he couldn't do. Or at least would try and see if he could do it.
Anne was a HUGE, HUGE help with the two girls and helping us do all of the things that we need to do on a daily basis to keep the house running, children fed, entertained, clean, and of course, happy and smiling. They had a wonderful time reading, playing, and exploring with her. They put together puzzles, dressed up, read many (
many) books, "cleaned-up", picked oranges, avocados, & tangerines (and then, for Maritt, proceeded to carry them all around) and generally, climbed on and over chairs, up and down stairs, swung on swings, and ran up and down the road again and again... One of Cyanne's most common refrains the entire week was "I show Nanna... I show Nanna!"
Grandpa playing games trying to catch Maritt on the swings at a park. She loved it.:


But, so as not to seem like
all we did was put them to work while they were here "on vacation," there were a few fun outings and field-trips during the week:
On the 11th, Richard celebrated his 65th birthday and Maritt celebrated her 16 month birthday. 16 months for her and 780 months for Richard!! (Forgot to make the signs but here are the 2 "birthday" buddies). We had a nice dinner for his birthday culminating in a flour-less chocolate cake that said "Happy Birthday Grandpa!"
"Birthday" Buddies:

We went to Tucker's Grove park for a birthday party for Cyanne's friend, Sarah, from school:
This looks to me like Cyanne is 'teaching' Maritt the ways of the playground or who's boss. You decide:

Tom's response to the next photo: "Really, the slides were steeper than they looked!"...

Really - Who doesn't go to the playground in a tutu, princess headband, and sparkly shoes?

Maritt met a cupcake. She won.

A trip to the wharf and Sea Center on a beautiful SB day:

A visit to the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market downtown:
Someone had an excellent ride:

What kid doesn't love playing in water? Better yet, a super clean, hygienic, public fountain in the middle of Paseo Nuevo!... =)

Ms. Cutie-pie.

A driving tour around the Santa Ynez Valley with a trip up to see the wildflowers on Figueroa Mountain, wine tasting at Star Lane and other vineyards in Buellton. There was definitely evidence of recent wildfires in the area:

A few nice meals out (with and without semi-antsy children) at Jeannine's for lunch and then Hollister Brewing Company and The Beachside for dinner. Also, Tom's parents babysat for us on Saturday the 12th when we went to the Laguna Blanca Auction at the Bacara. It was a wonderful night out for us made all the better knowing that the girls were home having a great time with Nanna and Grandpa!

Nanna came to Cyanne's ballet class (twice!) and watched her twirl, point her toes, dance and follow the instructor's directions (sometimes)... Cyanne looked pleased as pie to have Nanna watching her dance all around the studio.
A few photos from an evening exploring the yard and newly mulched orchards:

Running up and down the hill:

They got a good taste for our routine and life here, I think. They experienced just how funny, empathetic, talkative, sweet and opinionated Cyanne is now. How smiling, sweet, climbing, daredevil & monkey-ish and entertaining Maritt is. And how sweet and gentle they both are... with the occasional bout of crying. =) Maritt and Cyanne seemed to have a wonderful time with them and, after they left, asked when they were coming back and asked "why Nanna and Grandpa have to go on two planes allllll the way back to Cooperstown?" She's already talking quite a bit about Anna's wedding in two months.

Playing. (she just looks like she has to go the bathroom... =)).

Picking avocados with Nanna:

Maritt & Grandpa had quite the discussion and sharing/bonding session over an avocado. Who knew a piece of fruit could be so fun and entertaining??

"See, this is an avocado.... It's green... and is kind of like a ball..." =)

She got it!

Best Buds. (Note the rapid hand movements and 'gentle petting' by Maritt):

She LOVES her doggie:

Cyanne trying on the flower girl dress she's
thrilled to be wearing in Anna & Aaron's wedding in Cooperstown in May!:

We had a wonderful time with them and truly appreciated their coming all the way out here to visit with us, spend quality time with us, get to know Maritt and Cyanne that much better and just to know (quite well now) just how it is we spend each and every day.
A few shots from the morning of their departure:

I'm quite certain that Anne and Richard can close their eyes and picture the pace of each day - the mornings: food on the floor, strawberries and bananas cut up, milk being poured into sippy cups, the smell of coffee, the sounds of happy, chipper, rosy-cheeked kids and Super Why or Curious George on in the background, cats meowing, and the general hustle and bustle that accompanies the start of every day. The evenings: dinners being prepared, bubble baths given, chases around the rooms to put on jammies, bedtime stories and lullabies.
In fact, I'm sure they can...

Maritt saying: "Waaaaiiiiittttt!!!!! Stop!!!!! Don't Go!!!! Come back!!!!!!!"

"Where'd they go? Did they really drive away?"

Cyanne & Tom watching them drive down Cathedral Oaks towards the 101.

Heading back up to the house. All quite sad to see them go!

But Maritt, ever the helper, helped close the gate =). She's strong & quite determined...:

We love you both very much and want you to come back and visit us
very, very soon. The one thing we can promise is that it will not be boring... =) But, in the meantime, we're coming to see you in two months! We can't wait!