We wanted to find a way to keep everyone up to date and figured this would be an excellent way to do just that. Especially since I check blogs of friends each morning along with my morning coffee (decaf, of course...), I figured some of you may come back and visit us to see what has been going on in the wilds of Goleta.
Here are a few recent photos that pretty much sum up what we have been doing:
Gardening and preparing for Baby Blabey.
(and work, but that's much less fun to write about here).
We are very excited for Tom's parents to visit two weeks from now - they will be impressed by
I will try and figure out how to upload shots from our last ultrasound 6 weeks ago but I make no promises. That and you'd probably be hard pressed to tell what was what - except she's very good about giving us clear views of her hands, feet, and ribs/spine! I am really looking forward to our next in 4 weeks or so when we'll hopefully get a good idea of what she'll look like. (tom is hoping she looks more like him than me...=) but we've got some strong Norwegian genes that I have a feeling will reign supreme...!)
Thanks for reading & we promise we'll update this with news and more importantly, photos of the nursery, garden, attic conversion into a guest room, and the requisite belly/ultrasound shots.
Hi there! Given my pregancy brain it's a miracle I remembered the blog address you mentioned on Saturday, but here I am! I will certainly be checking for updates daily! It was great to see you both over the weekend - can't wait to see some pictures of the baby!
Well done! I'll be checking daily to make sure you don't get lazy with the updates ;)
What fun! I have this bookmarked and am looking forward to seeing some photos soon of my little niece!
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