Saturday, January 19, 2008

Here's to a new "challenge"...

And this one, unlike some of the others over the past few months, I asked for...
The website SB Parent was doing a "get fit" contest... So, for kicks, I entered.

I figured hey, I need some kind of motivation to get to the gym these days (though I have lost all of the baby weight which is nice.) And what better way to force me to go do something exercise-related than by entering a contest...
I didn't think I'd "win." But, I filled out the entry form. Answered various questions. And listed the types of exercise I like to do...
And low and behold... This morning a woman from SB Parent called to tell me I'd won and would be given a free exercise program of my choice - so long as I wrote a blog and participated in the classes/exercise as best I could.

So... she read me various options I could choose...
I decided to do the most time-intensive... Why not, right?
It is the KUT program - intensive kick boxing for 9 WEEKS - 6 DAYS A WEEK - just not on Sunday... (for the program description)

There are classes starting at 6 AM which are looking like the ones I'm going to have to take to fit in working in the mornings at the office and taking care of Cyanne.

As part of the prize - you have to write a blog about your experience, thoughts, progress, and success (hopefully) in the end. I will post the link to that blog once I figure out how I'm supposed to do it... So, not only do I get to have my ass kicked... but I get to write about it too! Perfect!

So... we shall how it goes! I am looking forward to the challenge. Now I just hope that I can keep it up along with everything else!
Will let you know how it goes... =)


Mara said...

You are an amazing inspiration. Your story got me to go to the gym. Best of luck.

jenredstar said...

dude, I want to kick box.

Throb00 said...

Sweet! Yeah, and someone talked Lara into doing the same thing. You guys are going to be in better shape than Tom and I.