Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Late this afternoon, we evacuated our house due to the Gap Fire.

We were debating whether to stay or go.

The smoke became darker and darker and the winds started picking up a little so leaving seemed like the best thing to do.
I spent most of the afternoon packing up our documents, keepsakes, photographs etc., and then our wonderful friends, the Secords, arrived to help us pack up more belongings, load cars, and also, to take Cyanne out of the ash-filled air to their house.
We loaded up the cats and the dog.
Grabbed photo albums and photographs.
A few clothes. Some of Cyanne's possessions and food.
And left.

I did take some photos as we drove away but I'll have to post those on down the line.

The Gap Fire is being covered on all major news outlets. You can go to or for local versions of the story.

Will keep you updated.

Keep your fingers crossed that our house makes it through.

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