Cyanne had her 12 month appointment with Dr. Brennan this past Thursday, October 16th.
She charmed the nurses and staff with her big smiles and giggles as soon as we walked in the door.
He examined her and asked us various questions about her motor skills and verbal development.
He said she looked great and was right on track.
He gave her an A+ =)
Here are the stats:Weight: 22 lb, 5 oz. (75%)Height: 29 1/2" (75%)Head Circumference: 47 cmWe discussed weaning her off of the bottle, introducing whole milk, and went over the various foods she can eat. It's pretty much all fair game aside from nuts and peanut butter. That means there's quite a lot we can give her - especially the things off our plates which are always much better and more enticing anyway...
She was a very good sport.
She got a prick in her heel to check if she was anemic. (He said her levels were excellent - he looks for 10 and above and she was 13.5, so he was pleased with that)(helps that we give her her cereal with pretty much everything!)
She didn't even seem to notice the heel prick and kept smiling through it.
Then, it came time for the vaccines.
She got her MMR, Chicken Pox (varicella), and the flu shot. I had him hold off on the Hep A as I thought 3 shots and a heel prick was enough for one day. She'll get that the next time.
She didn't cry at all for the leg shot but then well, she got two 'stingers' in her arms.
One in each arm and she did cry... Poor baby. From her wails, it sounded like it hurt quite a bit. But - she recovered quickly and was smiling by the time we went out the door. =)
All in all - a great doctor visit. He was pleased. We were pleased. She was a great sport and drank a bottle with gusto when we got back to the car.
We go again at 15 months!