We drove up Friday night (an interesting drive... C did pretty well... napped some... played with her toys but unfortunately, when we were in traffic near San Jose, threw up all over her carseat and me in the back seat. Thankfully, she fell asleep in my arms shortly thereafter...)
We arrived Friday night - put C to sleep - and enjoyed a great dinner and margaritas w/K&Z. Then fell promptly asleep after the long day!
Here are some photos of our trip to the playground Saturday morning:
Cyanne LOVED the swings. This was her 2nd time on the swings. We obviously need to take her to the playground more... She spent more of the time laughing with glee.
C and Anna on the swings.
Daddy pushing C on the swings.
I love this photo...
Anna practicing her expert walking skills.
Mommy & Anna =)
The happy family. (Note Z and Anna in their ND gear - was a 'game watch' Saturday). =)
I like this one a lot too...
Cyanne watching Anna.
Karen trying out the playground equipment.
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