So, this 'game' is courtesy of Mia's mom, Mara.
I'm always up for things of this type so here ya go...
The Rules
-Link to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Write 6 random things about yourself.
-Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post.
-Let each person know he/she has been tagged (or let them get tagged by reading your blog).
-Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
6 Random Things about Me:
1. There are three things I've always wanted to do as a job. So, if I was not an attorney, I would love to do one of the following: 1) Professional Photographer; 2) Florist; and 3) Meteorologist. Random mix, I know, but I love all three.
2. My heart stopped for approximately 7 or 8 minutes when I was 7 years old when I had my asthma attack. A big thanks to my Dad here... because if not for him and his actions during those several minutes, I'd likely not be here writing this.
3. I like to dip bread in liquids... Diet Coke, coffee, tea. Sounds not so good, right? Really, you should try it. Hard to beat a piece of San Luis Sourdough dipped in fizzy Diet Coke. =)
4. As most of you know, I love the wind. My perfect kind of day involves the wind. A slight breeze, a strong wind, gusts... warm or cold. An ideal weather day includes the following: clear air, sunny, blue skies, high, white clouds, anywhere between 50-60 degrees, and very windy. The kind of wind where the branches move on the trees and it lifts your hair when you walk outside.
5. I love to travel. I have had, I believe, 5 passports so far during my lifetime. Every time I go through customs, I request a stamp - even if the person behind the glass appears surly. The stamps are good records and mementos of each trip. I hope to make Cyanne as much of a world traveler as her father and I have been fortunate enough to be...
6. I have big feet and long fingers or as Tom likes to call them, my "spindleys." I often joke I should be considerably taller for my shoe size. But hey, there are often shoes on sale in my size. As for the fingers - long fingers always made it easier to play the piano. I took lessons for 16 years. Octaves were simple; I always tried to reach for 3-4 keys beyond the octave. That is fun.
And now I get to 'tag' others of you though as Mara said about her friend, Mara has taken some of my prospects as well!!
1. Devon (of the Powell Family Blog, aka, Henry's Blog)
2. Lara (of the Baby Days Blog, aka the Mislang Family)
3. Ann (of the Felton's Blog, aka Baby Feltone)
4. Jenny (of jenredstar blog fame, aka Baby Devo's Blog)
5. Allison (of All things Baby Gagnon blog, aka Grace's Blog)
6. Victoria (Of Gwendolyn's Blog, aka Gwendolyn's adventures)
Not that you all aren't already busy enough... or have enough to do! Perhaps this will provide some nice procrastination or distraction =)!
Have fun!
We decided to create this blog so that our friends and family far and wide could stay up to date with recent events. We will update this blog with news and photos of Cyanne and Maritt, family life, Ranch happenings, and life in SB in general. Welcome to the world Cyanne and Maritt!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
15 Month Pediatrician Visit
Last week, Cyanne, Tom & I took a trip to see Dr. Brennan for Cyanne's 15 month well-baby visit.
He said she looked good and was progressing just as she should.

Here are the stats:
Weight: 23 lbs. ("50-75%")
Height: 30 1/4" (50%)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (90%!!!) (Our girl's still got a big noggin'!)
We discussed weaning her off of bottles, words and talking, teeth and dental care (we really need to work on that) as he said she had "a lot" of teeth for her age, which she does..., the best diaper rash cream (triple paste, apparently) and a host of other fun topics...
Then, poor Cyanne had to get 3 more shots. 2 in one leg, 1 in the other and of course, as I feel like there always is, the 3rd one is quite a "stinger." So, I held Cyanne in my lap while Tom held her arms. She was a good sport really. She did cry but stopped within a minute or two after it was done as she became quite taken with the green sea turtle painting on the wall.
So - we shall see what changes until the next visit - her 18th month check-up.
Here are some photos taken two days before her doctor visit:

He said she looked good and was progressing just as she should.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 23 lbs. ("50-75%")
Height: 30 1/4" (50%)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (90%!!!) (Our girl's still got a big noggin'!)
We discussed weaning her off of bottles, words and talking, teeth and dental care (we really need to work on that) as he said she had "a lot" of teeth for her age, which she does..., the best diaper rash cream (triple paste, apparently) and a host of other fun topics...
Then, poor Cyanne had to get 3 more shots. 2 in one leg, 1 in the other and of course, as I feel like there always is, the 3rd one is quite a "stinger." So, I held Cyanne in my lap while Tom held her arms. She was a good sport really. She did cry but stopped within a minute or two after it was done as she became quite taken with the green sea turtle painting on the wall.
So - we shall see what changes until the next visit - her 18th month check-up.
Here are some photos taken two days before her doctor visit:
Thursday, January 1, 2009
On the Menu Today: Cat Food
Well, it was bound to happen some time or another.
Tom and I were in the dining room trying to organize Christmas decorations to put away and we noticed... No Cyanne!
Where, oh where, was Cyanne, we asked...
With a quick glance around the dining room, living room and kitchen, Tom walked into the back bathroom or the "cat's room" as we call it, off of the kitchen and voila!
He brings Cyanne out with hands covered in wet cat food and dry cat food bits and a good smear all around her mouth.
Someone had been having a morning snack of 'Ocean Whitefish'!!!
Tom & I were thoroughly grossed out... but she seemed to have enjoyed it and was fine.
But ewww...
Now she knows what it's like!
Here's to hoping we 1) pay more attention to her current location, 2) remember to put up the barrier into the cat's room area, and 3) make sure she doesn't acquire a penchant for cat food.
Yay Friskies!!
Tom and I were in the dining room trying to organize Christmas decorations to put away and we noticed... No Cyanne!
Where, oh where, was Cyanne, we asked...
With a quick glance around the dining room, living room and kitchen, Tom walked into the back bathroom or the "cat's room" as we call it, off of the kitchen and voila!
He brings Cyanne out with hands covered in wet cat food and dry cat food bits and a good smear all around her mouth.
Someone had been having a morning snack of 'Ocean Whitefish'!!!
Tom & I were thoroughly grossed out... but she seemed to have enjoyed it and was fine.
But ewww...
Now she knows what it's like!
Here's to hoping we 1) pay more attention to her current location, 2) remember to put up the barrier into the cat's room area, and 3) make sure she doesn't acquire a penchant for cat food.
Yay Friskies!!
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