Saturday, January 17, 2009

15 Month Pediatrician Visit

Last week, Cyanne, Tom & I took a trip to see Dr. Brennan for Cyanne's 15 month well-baby visit.
He said she looked good and was progressing just as she should.

Here are the stats:
Weight: 23 lbs. ("50-75%")
Height: 30 1/4" (50%)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (90%!!!) (Our girl's still got a big noggin'!)

We discussed weaning her off of bottles, words and talking, teeth and dental care (we really need to work on that) as he said she had "a lot" of teeth for her age, which she does..., the best diaper rash cream (triple paste, apparently) and a host of other fun topics...

Then, poor Cyanne had to get 3 more shots. 2 in one leg, 1 in the other and of course, as I feel like there always is, the 3rd one is quite a "stinger." So, I held Cyanne in my lap while Tom held her arms. She was a good sport really. She did cry but stopped within a minute or two after it was done as she became quite taken with the green sea turtle painting on the wall.

So - we shall see what changes until the next visit - her 18th month check-up.

Here are some photos taken two days before her doctor visit:

1 comment:

Victoria Strong said...

These are gorgeous photos Kristen!