I have never spent a night apart from her since she was born - that means we have spent 693 nights together in a row.
And, well, even more if you count the 9 months she was growing before she was born =)
We are doing this for several reasons:
1) For fun.
2) Because we know it will be a long time before we're able to do it again after Blabey Baby Girl #2 arrives this fall.
3) Because I didn't want our first night away from Cyanne - my first night away, I should say - to be the night I was in the hospital delivering her sister.
4) Because I'm very tired and the thought of sleeping without a baby monitor and not having to wake up when Cyanne does in the morning is frankly, highly enticing.
(Of course, because we are who we are and I am who I am, I will wake up at 7 AM anyway... just as I would were I home with her. At least I know this and therefore, won't be surprised when it happens tomorrow morning =) I just won't have to jump out of bed and start the day that early.)
5) We wanted to have a little time to spend together and gather ourselves and our thoughts before the craziness that will be the next 3 months begins:
Tom traveling, third trimester of pregnancy, total remodel of the attic into bedrooms, organizing all things baby, getting ready for the baby, a volunteer Junior League project done by me started and finished this fall, reading a new legal book by Judge Aldisert on Opinion Writing, interviewing him, and writing up an article for the local bar magazine, oh, and work and all that comes with that. I'm sure there's more, but that's what comes to mind. All, hopefully, to be done before November 15th.
So, a few reasons for us to 'escape' for the evening.
Here is where we'll be:
The Montecito Inn in Montecito.
To come: a fantastic dinner at Lucky's, walk along Coast Village Road, and a walk along Butterfly Beach (one of the very first places I ever took Tom on his first visit to Santa Barbara back in the Spring of 1999 - a little over 10 years ago...)

I shall substitute my margarita for my diet coke and water... and shall enjoy every moment of relaxation -
While, of course, thinking about, wondering about, missing, and likely worrying about Cyanne the vast majority of the time. =) I'll try and keep the worrying to a minimum, I promise.
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