I knew I would do this once I found out we were having another girl. I bought Cyanne and Maritt the same pj's or, I should say, Cyanne got the "big girl" version and Maritt got the "baby" version.
I was worried I'd have a hard time convincing Cyanne to wear these. She has been obsessed and that might not even be strong enough - with her "Prin-tass pajamas" which are these footed, white, fleece pj's that have sparkly pink ballerinas on them. Ballerinas, princesses - whatever. To her, they are princesses. She will not wear any other pj's unless these are in the "washing machine..." (we usually have to check the dirty clothes hamper and/or the actual machine to verify that they are, in fact, dirty). And then and only then, can we convince her to wear her "purple flowers" "frosty" or "animals" pj's.
So, knowing she has a great love for anything princess related, I convinced her that these were pj's that had the princess's horse on them - the unicorn!
It makes sense, no?
I thought so. Was persuasive logic... =)
Anyway, she now likes them (this also causes me relief because the "Printass" pajamas are 2T and getting very tight. These are a 3T so at least we'll have something to wear for the foreseeable future, but I digress).
So, one morning, we had Cyanne and Maritt sit together during the morning Elmo viewing:
Cyanne wanted Maritt to sit right up close to her and in these, between her legs so she could give her a "biiiiggggg hug."

And then, as with all things, when Cyanne was done, she was done. Maritt was cast aside... =) "All done, Mommy. All done."