I promised people photos.
Here you go!
Let's just say Cyanne was PETRIFIED of Tom. I kept saying, "Cyanne, that's Daddy in there. Let's go over and say hi." And she looked completely terrified and would reply, "No, Mommy! No! Where Daddy go??" over and over.
Poor girl. Though really, you can't blame her. I mean, just look at him. If someone told me that was my Dad when I was 2 I'd probably freak out too.
Here's a photo of Nico, one of the caregivers/instructors in her class holding her up to talk with Tom. Tears were shed...
All sorts of little kids came up to him, grabbed onto his legs, and stood around him to take their photo with the "Wild Thing." =)
Tom couldn't see anything so he had to be led in and out of the room.
I think I can safely say these two things: Never in my life did I envision myself playing the role of Mary in a Christmas church service and never in Tom's life did he envision himself dressed up as the Wild Thing with children clamoring around him.
Oh, how your life changes when you have children... And yes, I know this is just the beginning.
hahaha,that is awesome! Poor Cyanne...was he able to take the head off to show her he was inside?
hee hee hee. That's fantastic. :) I didn't realize it was actually a real costume. I was trying to picture Tom with paint on his face and ears or something, and it wasn't a pretty picture.
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