Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Maritt - Sleeps through the night!

Last night.... wait for it.... wait for it...

Maritt slept through the night!!
Hooray!!! Yippee!!! Joy of joys...!!!

She slept from about 10:30 PM until 7 AM.

She's 4 months and 2 weeks old.

I woke up at 6 AM due to the painful, rock-hard engorged milk factories on my chest but was elated when I looked at the clock and realized that she hadn't woken up during the night.
I'll take engorged breasts any day if it means that Maritt sleeps through the night.

This was the 5th night of sleep training.

It was still difficult to put her down last night as it has been since we started sleep training. We started the process around 8:30 PM or so. We'd given her a bath with Cyanne, read them books together, fed her, wrapped her up, and tried to put her to sleep but she wasn't giving in. She cried quite a bit - we would go in at various increments. We waited longer periods in the beginning as per Ferber's book (i.e. 10 min., 12 min., 15 min.) but she kept crying harder and harder. I went up and tried to burp her again which helped - and then we re-wrapped her.
Opened the window as all of the crying was really making her hot...
And then, when she cried, I'd go in more frequently and reassure her - every 3-5 minutes. I think this helped because she eventually fell asleep around 10 PM.

And stayed asleep!!!

Oh, my fingers are crossed she learns this is the way to go and does it again tonight.
I can hope!
And, as Tom said, now we know she can do it!!

Way to go Maritt - Mommy and Daddy are so, so thankful. And appreciative.
Good girl!

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