Count 'em: 4!
I am so excited... I just pray each night before I go to sleep that she sleeps through and we hear her lovely little small voice talking around 6 or 7 AM...
We moved her down to her own room (Cyanne's old room) Friday night as Jay was going to come visit (for what turned out to be the world's shortest visit... =)) so that was our impetus.
We also knew we were going to go without the swaddle, per Dr. Brennan who told us it was time to let it go... Might as well make several major changes at a time, right?!
Maritt in her big crib!
So, we put her in this seemingly huge crib with just a fleece sleepsac on and gave it a shot.
That night, she slept, with a few peeps (she'd then fall back asleep on her own), from 9 PM until 7 AM!
Oh, joyous, joyous day.
So, we have been doing it since then. Her naps are about 2 hours, one in the morning and one in the afternoon - and then she goes to sleep anywhere from 7:30-9 PM and sleeps until 6-7:30 AM!
We have had 4 nights in a row!!!!
Great job, Maritt. Mommy and Daddy are beyond thrilled. Really. You have no idea.
Please, oh please, keep up the good work =).
Seriously though, dc-ing the swaddle, putting her in her own room, the cooler temps in the rooms downstairs, and the different bed/mattress really seem to have made a big, excellent difference.
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