We went to Stowe Grove Park for a little running around and swinging this afternoon.
Cyanne had a great time and Maritt was mesmerized by the kids running around, swinging, and yelling.
"Higher, Daddy!"
Then, as an excellent pre-mother's day treat, we went on a family date to Hollister Brewing Co. where I was able to have my Classic Margarita. This is one of the things that makes me very happy =). However, being surrounded by my three favorite people in the whole wide world makes me even happier...
Hmmm.... eating? drinking? coloring? What to do?!
We then went and enjoyed some frozen yogurt. Cyanne and I shared a bowl but she thought it was all hers. She proceeded to pick out all of the mini-Reeses Peanut butter cups. When I would have one on my spoon, she'd chime in with "No, Mommy. That's Cyanne's!" =)
So, we shared... Maritt even got a bite or two of Daddy's. That is, when she convinced him to share, too.
It was a beautiful, fun evening out. I am a lucky, lucky Mom indeed.
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