We had a great time enjoying Fiesta this year. While we did not venture downtown, we made it to the Mercado del Norte (Mackenzie Park) twice, ate our share of mexican food, and cracked several cascarones or confetti stuffed eggs!
On Wednesday (8/4), I picked Cyanne up a little early from school. We'd been talking about Fiesta and the "fair" at Mackenzie all week as we pass driving to and from her school each day. And boy oh boy, was she excited to go. So, when I walked in and said "Cyanne, do you want to go to the fair with Mommy?" she jumped up, ran and got her lunchbox out of the refrigerator, grabbed my hand and said "Let's go, Mommy! I ready for the fair!"
So, we went and had a fantastic time together. We went on the carousel a couple of times, walked all around, smashed confetti eggs on each other's heads ("I crack on Mommy's head! Now, Mommy, do it to Cyanne!"), shared a churro ("yyuummm.... this is good, Mommy!" "I share with you, Mommy.") and then... Cyanne went down a HUGE slide.
It was this inflated shark. We'd walked by it when we first got there and I asked if she wanted to go and she said no. We came back later on and watched the kids - mostly 8-12 year olds - go down it and finally, she seemed like she wanted to do it.
I told her I'd wait for her at the bottom "on the grass part, Mommy" and that convinced her.
She took off her shoes and began the climb up. Now, I'm not sure what affected me the most. All of a sudden, my little girl was climbing up this big, inflated "ladder" - and it was big! She did such an awesome job. She looked so little doing it though. She kept turning around and looking at me and saying, "Mommy? You there Mommy?" And I'd say "I'm here, Cyanne! Good job!"
She finally got to the top and it was so high I couldn't even see her - all I could see were her little ankles when I put my head way up and into the slide.
I hear this little voice: "Where are you Mommy?? Where are you? You down there Mommy?"
"I'm waiting right here Cyanne, I'm here!"
And then I see her little body jump out and slide down - she went so fast that when the slide flattened out, she flipped over twice and landed right where I could catch her at the bottom. She was scared - as she herself said - and started to cry. I was alternately so, so proud of her and also somewhat scared that she'd just done it.
I couldn't believe she did it - it was huge.
And also, it just showed how much trust and faith she puts into me and Tom. Or, I guess, I just realized how much she relies on us.
I know, you're thinking - all of this from one 3 second slide? But it really hit me for some reason.
Here's the photos of the inflated shark when we went to show Daddy the next day:
This is where she came out - note the 'ride at your own risk' sign =):

It was really steep!!!

Surveying the other kids who shot out of the slide:

Eating yummy Mexican food in the mercado:

Smashing the requisite egg on his head:

This was the most fun Cyanne had had in long time. She and Tom went down this slide four times. Then, I ran out of tickets... She had a fantastic time. Sheer glee. And the look on her face when she went down with Tom - absolutely priceless. She completely trusted him and wanted to do it with him. Fantastic.

Here they go - getting ready to sit on their 'potato sacks':

"You ready to go, Daddy?"

Confetti in her hair:

Smashing another egg on Daddy's head (he was a good sport):