He said Maritt looks great though she's a wee bit orange. Apparently, all of the veggies and other things she's eating these days are loaded with betacarotene. So... our 'lil carrot is rather orange =). I think Tom thought I was seeing things because I kept saying, "um, don't you think she looks, well, just a little bit orange or yellow? We're both such fair, pale people... she should be too!" He finally believed me after Dr. B came in and said that was the first thing he noticed about Maritt. =)
Here are her stats:
Weight: 19 lbs, 2 oz (50-75%) (up from 16 lbs 3 months ago)
Height: 28" (70-75%) (up from 26 3/4)
Head Circumference: 44 1/2 cm (50-75%) (up from 43 cm)
All in all, he said she's growing beautifully and seems to be a very healthy, happy baby.
She then got 2 shots. And amazingly, she cried for fewer than 5 seconds after the second shot. Seriously. She then started smiling through her tears. Even the nurse said "Wow, well this never happens to me! I never get smiles afterwards like this!"
As always... Maritt is one of the smiliest, happiest babies.
Things Maritt is doing now:
Maritt is crawling. She's got a good inchworm-type movement going and a rough crawl down.
She gets beyond excited when we pull her up to standing which she can almost, almost do herself. She now loves to hold onto chairs and the bathtub as we get it ready for their bath.
She's using the big carseat and facing forward in the stroller - her first time face-forward was August 1st at the zoo).
She's loving her puffs, bigger pieces of fruit, pieces of bread, cheese, and even turkey. I was eating a turkey sandwich the other day while feeding her some puree and puffs. She wanted nothing to do with the puree and would just stare at me as I took a bite and open her mouth at the same time. So, I gave her some of the bread, cheese and turkey and she could not have been happier. She's clearly a fan of "real" food - not this puree business.
She's growing too quickly - slow down wee one!
Next thing I know, we'll be taking "Mini" for her drivers license test.
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