Cyanne, dismayed by the nasty, barely inching-along traffic on the 101 S on a Sunday afternoon said "Daddy, drive faster! I want to go to the zoo!" and the timeless classic: "Mommy, are we at the Zoo yet?"
To build up her excitement, we asked her what animals she was looking forward to seeing when we got there:
Cyanne: 1) Elephants, 2) Giraffes, 3) Monkeys (followed by the monkey sound), and 4) Birds. I said I wanted to see the meerkats and she said, "okay, we see meerkats for you too, Mommy." =)
She also wanted to ride the train but alas, the last ride of the day was sold out so we watched and waved as it went by.
It was a gorgeous late afternoon. Bright sunshine, cool ocean breeze. The Zoo was a beautiful place to be.
This was Maritt's 1st time sitting in the stroller like a "big girl." She's always sat in her infant carseat but this time, we put her in and she LOVED the view. And, I'm guessing, loved facing and moving forward for a change.
We recently switched her over from the Graco carseat to the regular big carseat in the car... so, it looks like we're done with the infant carseat!
It was Maritt's second trip to the zoo and I think she really enjoyed it. She kept staring at the elephants and seemed intrigued by the flamingos. Though honestly, I think she was more intrigued by all of the kids running around her.
Cyanne's been practicing standing/balancing on one foot these days and so she and Tom studied the flamingos, their one-legged stance, and decided to practice it when they got home...
Tom & Cyanne checking out the meerkats:
View of the bird refuge:
Pointing out the birds and the train as it went by:
On the way home (and they've done this a couple of times before) Cyanne was entertaining Maritt by playing peek-a-boo.
It was the most adorable, smile-inducing sound ever.
Cyanne: "Peek-a-boo, Mini!" and she'd cover her face with her pink blanket and then remove it.
Maritt: squeals of laughter. Over and over.
It made me smile just listening to it.
And also, we were commenting, that it is really one of their first times actually playing with each other as Cyanne knew Maritt was laughing at her, she was entertaining Maritt, and it made her laugh too and continue to do it.
Just absolutely adorable.
I could listen to those sounds forever.
Wonderful afternoon at the zoo...
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