Off to an interesting start:
We pull into the parking lot and she starts saying very clearly "No, No, No, No..." She knew we weren't at school or some other fun place, that's for sure. She probably now remembers exactly what the place is, actually.
She did a good job inside though - started strong: "Ohhh.... turtle!" to a wall painting, used the "big girl" height marker and scale, had some quivering of the lips and chin when Dr. Brennan came in, smiles for the light produced by the tool that checked her eyes, patience (and silence) when he listened to her heart and lungs with his stethoscope, some pretty clear "bye bye's" for the nurse with her two shots though the Tylenol was yummy, and screams during the x-ray (we had to have her x-rayed again to make sure all traces of her walking pneumonia are gone). (Update: the x-ray came back normal. Yay!)
Support network: Puppy. Blanket. Mommy. Daddy.
All present & accounted for:

She even wanted to wear the little hospital gown while we waited =):

For the x-ray, we tried to get her to stand on the big girl step so she wouldn't have to go in the medieval torture device that is the child x-ray contraption which enables them to have kids stand still so they get a clear picture - but alas - that was not to be.
So, into the scary looking device she went. Oh, she looked scared and boy did she cry. You put her legs down into this hole and she sits on what looks like a bicycle seat. Then, this clear hard plastic thing - think what you'd wear post back-surgery - goes around her entire torso. Her arms need to be straight up above her head - and her head is secured. She's strapped in tight and then has to sit there while they take the films. I went outside as pregnancy and x-rays don't mix - and she sounded so, so sad. Even people walking by remarked at her vocal skills and range...
But - through it all - puppy and blanket were there to comfort her.
She got all red and splotchy but at least her soft pink blanket was there to sop up her tears.
Hugs and kisses from Mommy & Daddy helped too.
Here are her stats:
Height: 33 inches (40% or so)
Weight: 28 pounds (70% or so)
Head Circumference: 49 1/3 cm (90% or so)
So, right on track! He said she's growing very well and still has a big noggin'! (as an aside, the 2-5 year old hats are tight on her head!)
She was a trooper and believe this or not - we don't have to go back for another check-up until she's 3. 3 years old!!?!?!!??
Wow. Our "big" little girl...
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