ALL of us, especially Cyanne, LOVED having Nanna here and were so appreciative of her offering at the last minute to come help us out. Normally, Cyanne could have been in daycare while Kristen was at work, but those three days happened to be the three days that the school is closed for staff development. So, that meant that Cyanne (and Kristen) got to spend lots of quality time with Nanna/Anne. To top it off, our attic project was just getting under way, so Nanna had to sleep on a pull-out bed surrounded by boxes. That's dedication!
Highlights of Nanna's visit included pool time at La Cumbre with Grandma and Bubba and a trip to the zoo with Anna, Karen, Zach, Linda and Al.
Co-conspirators: "Who, us?"
Although they look less than enthused here, the girls do love the zoo!
Meanwhile, Tom got to spent some quality time with Jay on a rapid (but not too rapid...) tour through Utah's National Parks. Sunset hike through Arches, photo op at Capitol Reef, dramatic overlook views and cool canyon hike at Bryce, majestic twilight drive through Zion. Some recommendations: Moab's got some great microbrews, skip St. George, and definitely stop in for a Gyro at the Mad Greek in Baker, 100 miles west of Vegas...thanks Jeff for that tip!
At Bryce NP:
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