Thursday, February 5, 2009

Diaper Rash

First, you'll be thankful I have no photos to post with this entry... =)

Second, this is not such a very interesting topic to discuss on a blog, I know. However, since it is usually a blog regaling Cyanne's adventures, it seems somewhat relevant. That, and there's a funny story and a helpful mommy tip at the end.

Cyanne has been sporting quite the case of diaper rash, poor girl. It makes for very, very unfun diaper changes. We even just take her back and get her near her changing table and the waterworks begin. And oh, can she turn those faucets on. Quite impressive, actually.

So, that sent us to continue searching for the best diaper rash cream.

We've tried Desitin (my #2 favorite), A&D cream & ointment (pretty good), B's 'Butt Paste' cream (I had to buy this for the name alone (and also on Lara's recommendation); works well for the most part), Burts Bee's Cream (okay; smells like lavender), Aveeno Cream (so-so)... am I forgetting any? There must be more. Believe me, if it's out there, we have tried it.

Tom's first action is to check the percentage of zinc oxide in each cream. Though as we've come to learn, while that is helpful, it's not always the most helpful factor when combatting the evil diaper rash.

So, we asked Dr. Brennan who recommended.... Triple Paste!
I liked it from the get-go - I'll take anything that calls itself "paste" over "cream." (Though this is coming from the girl who'd take body butter over lotion 9 out of 10 times so not overly surprising.) Right there you know you've got a different type of product on your hands. (literally... ah, ha ha). Sorry.

However, it is slightly more challenging to find.
Tom ventured to Walgreens (another Dr. B tip) and located the mystery paste. He checked the zinc oxide percentages. Compared it to others we'd tried. Then, he made his way to the check-out. That was the only item he purchased.
The cashier rings it up and say "ohhhhh my!!" And looks at the item then looks at Tom. He says, "oh, is this a lady product? It is so expensive!"
$33 for a jar of diaper cream!
Apparently, said cashier was new to this country... however, I could just hear his voice saying "oh!, is this a lady product?" This, if you know me, greatly amused me...

Anyway - Tom then proceeded to tell him it was for babies and he said "oh... yes. Children are so costly..!" Ah, funny, funny. This amuses me most because of my image of Tom standing there with this man explaining that no, I did not send him on a lady product search but on a baby product mission.

So, after the entertaining purchase story, we were excited to try this new stuff.
Post-bath, all dry, and ready for bed, I gave Cyanne a good slather of the stuff. And let me tell you - it's some thick stuff! Off to sleep she went, triple pasted and hugging her 'puppy' with dreams of a rash-free bottom in her head.

In the morning - voila! Fantastic! She was just marginally pink. And two days later... it's basically gone.
I'm sold.
When the nasty rash appears, it's going to get the triple cream treatment!

So, just wanted to share the entertaining story as well as pass on a tip - if you need some awesome, highly effective diaper cream - this is it!

(I promise - more photos soon...) =)