Friday, February 26, 2010

L.L. Bean Ad

As anyone who knows me well will attest, I like my fleece. It all happened when I went to Middlebury. I'd wager to say I didn't own a fleece jacket until I set foot on campus... and then look what happened. I wear them all of the time. To Tom's great dismay, when it's cold in our unheated house, I even sleep in them. I like me some fleece, what can I say?

So, it was a natural thing for me to buy my children.... fleece!
And oh, the options! So many colors, styles, thicknesses... A virtual wonderland of children's fleece clothing options. And they make pants too!

We've been dressing Cyanne in fleece jackets since she was 3 months old and low and behold... Maritt is 3 months!

So, Maritt had her first trial fleece run in this jacket that Cyanne used to wear.
Turns out (more in the matching vein) that Cyanne has one in her size too.

So..... my attempt at an L.L. Bean ad =). I'm so tempted to email the company a few of these.
Pretty darn cute, no?

Matchy-Matchy Pajamas

I knew I would do this once I found out we were having another girl. I bought Cyanne and Maritt the same pj's or, I should say, Cyanne got the "big girl" version and Maritt got the "baby" version.

I was worried I'd have a hard time convincing Cyanne to wear these. She has been obsessed and that might not even be strong enough - with her "Prin-tass pajamas" which are these footed, white, fleece pj's that have sparkly pink ballerinas on them. Ballerinas, princesses - whatever. To her, they are princesses. She will not wear any other pj's unless these are in the "washing machine..." (we usually have to check the dirty clothes hamper and/or the actual machine to verify that they are, in fact, dirty). And then and only then, can we convince her to wear her "purple flowers" "frosty" or "animals" pj's.

So, knowing she has a great love for anything princess related, I convinced her that these were pj's that had the princess's horse on them - the unicorn!
It makes sense, no?
I thought so. Was persuasive logic... =)

Anyway, she now likes them (this also causes me relief because the "Printass" pajamas are 2T and getting very tight. These are a 3T so at least we'll have something to wear for the foreseeable future, but I digress).

So, one morning, we had Cyanne and Maritt sit together during the morning Elmo viewing:

Cyanne wanted Maritt to sit right up close to her and in these, between her legs so she could give her a "biiiiggggg hug."

And then, as with all things, when Cyanne was done, she was done. Maritt was cast aside... =) "All done, Mommy. All done."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cyanne's Photo & Gummy Maritt

Cyanne was playing around with the camera today.
Here is her shot of Daddy & Maritt.
Notice the angle upwards =):

And, a few shots of a very toothless Maritt. I had thought a tooth was coming in - it was a false alarm. Though... I'm sure they are on their way given how she gnaws and sucks on her fingers and hands at all times - not to mention the copious amounts of drool! =)

Smiling - as always...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Max and Maritt

I enjoy putting Maritt down next to Max while he's sleeping. He may not find this enjoyable, but Maritt and I do!

He's such a relaxed, mellow, cool cat though.
He wakes up, checks out the scene and if he likes it, falls back asleep. If he decides, hey, I don't think I want to be lying next to a baby with unrefined motor skills who keeps (gently) hitting me with her arms, I'm getting up.

Maritt & Two Tigers:
Lying on Cyanne's big tiger in her room:

(top 2 photos taken 2/20, bottom 3 taken 3/20)

Ellwood Beach Walk

Before the rains came tonight, we decided to let Cyanne and Lucky burn off some energy. We went for an afternoon walk out to the ocean at Ellwood Bluff.

Our little runner:

This is one of our favorite places for a walk. Wide open spaces. Green grass. Huge stands of eucalyptus trees. Incredible ocean vistas.

Cyanne ran and ran and ran... It was windy! And we could see the storm clouds approaching. Cyanne was disappointed we didn't actually walk down to the ocean but we knew it was going to rain - and soon. We made it out to the ocean and back just in time. The rain drops started falling just as we reached the car.

The mustard grass is blooming everywhere now:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tom dressed as The Wild Thing

Oh, the things we do for our church and Cyanne's daycare/preschool located at the church. First, we were Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus (Maritt) for Christmas during the Christmas Eve service. Now... Tom gets to dress up in a HUGE Wild Thing costume from Where the Wild Things are for a preschool fundraiser.

I promised people photos.
Here you go!

Let's just say Cyanne was PETRIFIED of Tom. I kept saying, "Cyanne, that's Daddy in there. Let's go over and say hi." And she looked completely terrified and would reply, "No, Mommy! No! Where Daddy go??" over and over.
Poor girl. Though really, you can't blame her. I mean, just look at him. If someone told me that was my Dad when I was 2 I'd probably freak out too.

Here's a photo of Nico, one of the caregivers/instructors in her class holding her up to talk with Tom. Tears were shed...

All sorts of little kids came up to him, grabbed onto his legs, and stood around him to take their photo with the "Wild Thing." =)

Tom couldn't see anything so he had to be led in and out of the room.

I think I can safely say these two things: Never in my life did I envision myself playing the role of Mary in a Christmas church service and never in Tom's life did he envision himself dressed up as the Wild Thing with children clamoring around him.

Oh, how your life changes when you have children... And yes, I know this is just the beginning.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Animal Video

Anne sent Cyanne a very entertaining video about an orangutang and a hound dog that become best friends. Cyanne has watched the video numerous times now and requests to see it over and over.

Here she is - still watching... =)

And, not wanting Maritt to be left out, here are Tom, Maritt & Cyanne watching the video together:

I think Cyanne & Maritt may have inherited their father's tendency? ability? to zone out while watching the TV or, in this case, a video on the computer. =)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a very nice day today. Cyanne helped me make Daddy some Double Chocolate Chip brownies for his Valentine's gift. She did an excellent job stirring and mixing up the ingredients.

And, of course, Maritt and Cyanne were decked out in pink.
Here are a few shots of Maritt, covered in hearts =).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy 3 Months, Maritt!

Happy 3 months, Maritt!
You're getting bigger and bigger and are so, so smiley!
You give us these beautiful, happy smiles all of the time. They just melt our hearts - and charm everyone you meet!

A few shots in the rocking chair:

A serious face. Now, back to smiling!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday 2010

We had a great time Sunday afternoon visiting with our friends Terri & Adam at a house their family was renting down the road from us.

It was a great time watching the Saints beat the Colts!

Cyanne had a blast jumping on Owen's trampoline, hanging out with Owen and Gwendolyn, playing hard to get with Owen and his sweet hugs and kisses, saying "touchdown!," and oh yeah, more jumping on the trampoline...

Hugs from Owen: =)

So much jumping, a lot of the photos were blurry!

Owen gets some major air!

Victoria holding Maritt - Gwendolyn's thinking about how she feels about Mommy holding another baby... hmmmm.... not so sure about this! =)