Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome Home Party

We had a fantastic afternoon/early evening last Saturday with some of our wonderful friends at Padaro Beach Grill - we got to welcome back the Strong's!! They just completed a 5,000 mile journey!

Along the way, they were able to see some beautiful sites, visit with Victoria's family, have Gwendolyn meet her 104 year old great-grandfather (!), and spend some much deserved, wonderful time together as a family exploring new places such as Sedona, AZ and Santa Fe, NM... All in all, a fantastic time.

Ms. Gwendolyn certainly enjoyed her beach & pool time!! =)

We're thrilled to have them back...

But are so, so glad that they were able to take the trip in the first place, that everything went well, that Gwendolyn was able to explore in entirely new ways and in new places, and that they were able to make some fantastic, unforgettable memories as a family.

Also... they (of course!) were the amazing people they always are and used this journey as a vehicle (ah, ha ha...) for raising SMA awareness.

They had signs on the RV which people hopefully noticed when they drove by!!.... and they started the Sponsor-A-Mile fundraising drive to raise money to fund research for SMA. If you haven't donated yet... please do!

Here's a group shot of some of the wonderful ladies (and some of the kids - Gwendolyn, Laith, and I'm holding Cyanne so you can only see the tippy top of her head =)) who were there.
A wonderful time!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


It struck me the other day that Cyanne is now 21 months and I am now 21 weeks with Baby Girl #2. It just seemed a neat sharing of numbers.
Cyanne is blossoming into this amazing, entertaining, spunky toddler and baby #2 is, we hope, growing steadily and becoming bigger and bigger.

Amazing how the time passes though.
21 months stuns me whenever I think about it.
21 weeks seems about right. Over half way done though!

I told Cyanne the other morning about her baby sister.
She just looked at me inquisitively with these big blue eyes. She watched me put my hand on my stomach and tell her about her baby sister. She then put her hand on her tummy and then her hand on mine and just quietly watched and listened to me.

I'm not sure whether she actually got the concept. I think I'm going to have to take her baby doll to help with visual illustration. =) But I'm fairly certain something went in and started working its way around in there.

At any rate - my two babies:
21 months.
21 weeks.

And on we go...