Friday, January 4, 2008

Returning to Work

I have now (as of the 2nd) returned to work full-time.
For the most part, Tom & I have figured out a schedule that will hopefully be okay with both of our employers whereby I work in the mornings at the office and at home during the day and he does the opposite...
I have to say, it is quite hard to leave Cyanne after being with her every single day - all day. Wednesday was sad because I was gone for the longest period of time I'd ever been away from her (and the other side of that is that Tom was with her alone for the longest he'd ever been). I had been apart from her oh, 2-3 hours max... but not all day.
I was very eager to get home. =)... and see her little face and hold her. It's amazing how much I miss her during the day. Makes sense, I know... She and Tom were very content when I got home that evening...
I'm back at work all day today and will then start our self-made schedule next week.
I keep telling myself she doesn't really know that I'm gone during the day - but I do.
Three months of leave flew by. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that not only did I get three months off, but that those three months are now over, it's 2008, and I'm back at work. Incredible.
We shall see how it goes...

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