Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So, I know this is just a tease for us and by writing this I'll likely jinx us - but last night Cyanne slept from 9:30 PM - 5:30AM!
Very very exciting!
(Tom did do a 'dreamfeed' at 10 PM ish)

That means that I didn't have to wake up at all during the night!

I took Cyanne to a PEP (mom & baby) meeting last night at a restaurant and she was thrilled looking at all of the other babies, tv, and lights and was a perfectly behaved baby while we were there. I was very proud =). So she was up past her usual bedtime as we got home a little after 8:30. I keep trying to figure out what we did differently yesterday in the hopes of repeating her sleeping success.
We also fed her more yesterday... hmmm...

It just felt so nice not having woken up during the night - and waking up 30-15 min. before my alarm is scheduled to go off is okay by me. =)

Good little girl...

Now we just hope it happens again!

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