Monday, March 24, 2008

A Cacophony of Cries

Ah... the sounds spreading throughout the car and spilling out the windows.
I had to laugh to myself as I drove to and from the vet this afternoon.

On the way there, the car was filled with the plaintive sounds of meowing. Sad, sorrowful cries by Max and Sonsie.
Saying - why, oh why, do you have us in these carriers? We haven't been in these since we moved here!
Cyanne hung out in her chair in the backseat on the way there...
And in the vet's office. (Nothing like holding a baby, trying to feed her the bottle, and carrying on a conversation with the vet about rabies vaccines or something possibly lodged in Sonsie's abdomen. But I digress from the noises.)

On the way home - oh my!

Max, Sonsie, and Cyanne all chimed in. It was a vocal orchestra.
There were high pitched cries, meows, and bursts of noise from Cyanne who is exploring her vocal range...

I had the radio on but frankly, you couldn't really hear it.

I laughed out loud as they all just sounded so funny - especially together.
I thought to myself as I drove down Cathedral Oaks towards our driveway - now, who do I take out first? Who gets to get out of the car and into the house before the rest?
(the cats won out on that...)

It was quite a cacophony of sounds.

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