Friday, April 11, 2008

Cyanne's 6 Month Pediatrician Visit

Today, we went to see Dr. Brennan for Cyanne's 6 month check-up.

A brief comment from me and then we'll get to the stats...
6 months!! I am amazed at the fact that she is 6 months old (well now, actually about 6 1/2).
Yes, I know this doesn't sound long in the normal span of things but to us, the fact that we've now had Cyanne with us for that many months - is quite impressive to us. I imagine when we get to the point where she's been with us for longer than I was pregnant with her - that will be even more incredible to wrap our heads around (she'll reach that sooner than most, having been yanked out 4 1/2 weeks early though...).

Another aside: a weather report.
Today (and supposedly the rest of the weekend to follow) is incredibly gorgeous.
It is in the low 80's, with bright sunshine, clear blue skies, a light breeze. The ocean is a dark blue which mirrors the sky, the mountains are green.
These are the kinds of days that provide people with a very good reason to live here. It's amazing.

But - on to the important information:
Height: 25 3/4" (50%)
Weight: 16 lb, 15 oz. (75%) (she would've made it to 17 if we'd had time to give her the bottle she started when we go to the pedi's office. =)...
Head Circumference: 43 1/2 cm (75%).

So - he was very pleased with how she was doing. Said she looked great.
She was a trooper getting the shots and only cried when the last one came which supposedly "stings." She recovered right away... and was smiling by the time we left.

She has a little red spot where she got one shot but hopefully that'll go away soon.

Hope all is well - will post a multitude of photos shortly. We have many event (visits from friends & family, solid food, punk rocker wigs, and other fun events) to post.

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