Thursday, August 21, 2008


Cyanne is definitely starting to say some words. Whether they all actually go with what she is saying is another story.

However, this morning, we heard her say "kit-tee" when looking at Max & Sonsie. She is going to say this word very, very soon.
She sees them, starts crawling towards them, and says "kit" followed shortly by "tee."
Then squeals.
It is pretty darn cute. (The cats, however, do not find it so).

She says "ma ma" and at times, says "da da"though not when necessarily looking at us.

She has a whole range of sounds she makes but this was the first time we heard her say a word that meant what she was trying to say.

Pretty exciting -
And I'd like to note, I think it was Lara who said several months ago, "I bet kitty will be her first word." Good predicting, Lara!

While she said "mama" while we were back east in July, it may be that "kitty" is her first real word... =)