Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Ah, we have entered the world of "No."

Mommy: "Would you like to get out of bed?"
Cyanne: "No."
Mommy: "Would you like to stay in bed?"
Cyanne: "No."
Mommy: "Well, what would you like then?"
Cyanne: Silence - Jumping up and down in said crib with puppy & blanket, all smiles and giggles.

However, I don't mind it because it is frankly adorable the way she says it. This little voice with great enunciation and a little circle formed by her lips: "No." Very deliberate.

It is helpful at times such as when I'm getting her dinner ready and I ask her whether she'd like something - blueberries, meatballs, pasta, tomatoes. She'll either make a "yummmm" sound and smile and do the sign for 'hungry' or say simply, "No."
Last night it was clear she was not interested in blueberries (perhaps she'd had one too many at daycare?) but was all about the cheese.
But then, really, who isn't?
She is my child, after all... =)

So, off we go into the world of "No."

She does nod her head for Yes - now we just need to get her to say it so she finds a friend for her "No" word.
The "Yes" might come in handy, say, when we're offering ice cream...

She usually gets what she wants though because she smiles adorably and says "peease" for please - and does the sign for it.
It's been well noted in our household: it's almost impossible to say no to an adorable little girl saying "peease" and smiling at you, waiting for whatever it is you're holding or whatever she's wanting to do.

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