Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cyanne says, "NO SANTA!"

Ah, Cyanne has yet to fully embrace or understand the wonders of Santa Claus. We went to La Cumbre Plaza in hopes of having a visit with Santa. Apparently, due to "the poor economy" and "budget constraints" the mall nixed the Santa's House and instead, hired some guy to walk up and down the mall, asking kids of they wanted their photo taken with him.

On the one hand, my cynical, jaded side thought this was weird... an older guy dressed up, walking up to kids asking if they want to sit next to him and take their photo together?

But, happy, faith in the world side of me said hey, what's not to like? Here's a nice old guy who is trying to help make Christmas a little bit better for these kids and appease parents so they get a photo of their kid with Santa.

Well, Cyanne and Santa were not a good mix. Cyanne kept saying - at varying volume levels - NO SANTA! NO SANTA!!!!!!
And so, our attempts at a photo were rather unsuccessful but highly entertainng for us:

This is her frozen with fear look:

Get away from me Santa!!! I don't want anything to do with you!!
(he was trying very hard: "what's your favorite color?" "Do you like Elmo?" but alas...)

We even saw him again in the restaurant - still, no dice.
"Mommy, NO SANTA!!!!!!"

And so, all the way home and I do mean ALL the way home, we heard "No SANTA! NO SANTA!"...

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