Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sleep Training

Last night, we started sleep training Maritt.
We are using the Ferber method as we did with Cyanne.

Oh, the poor girl but we keep telling ourselves it's for the best. She needs to learn how to go to sleep on her own. Up until this point, we have been either rocking her to sleep, bouncing on the ball for hours, or nursing her until she is asleep. We then move her to her co-sleeper where sometimes she wakes up and we start over again or sometimes, she stays asleep until she wakes up to eat.

We are dealing with two issues this time (whereas with Cyanne, it was just helping her learn how to fall asleep on her own). With Maritt, we have to 1) teach her how to fall asleep on her own and 2) wean her off of her nighttime feedings. She needs to learn that she eats during the DAY... not at night.
So, the sleep training is really a two-fold endeavor.

She actually did pretty well last night.
She cried for the first several timed segments. 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and then - she fell asleep 2 minutes into the 2nd 10 minute segment.

Tom and I were lying on the guest bed upstairs (we've moved into the guest room to have Maritt sleep alone in our room. Apparently, she can smell the milk when I'm around and thus, wakes up hungry and ready for a snack...) and looked at each other and were very glad that she'd finally fallen asleep.

On to day 2 tomorrow...

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