Saturday, December 1, 2007

Three Cheers for Food Network and ESPN

So as I sit and nurse Cyanne, often I am sitting on the couch in our living room.
Straight ahead of me happens to be the TV.
While there are times I sit there in silence or listen to music I happen to have on - often times I watch TV.
Frankly, it makes the time pass more quickly and keeps me occupied. Especially at 4:30 AM or whatever time it happens to be... I suppose then it helps keep me awake =).

That said - these are the two channels I watch all of the time:
Contrasting you may say but hey... it works for me.

Everybody give a big cheer for Food Network and ESPN!

I laugh because oh, a few years ago, I never watched ESPN. Ever.
And now I watch it all of the time - I know various shows, commentators, and yes, I miss not watching SportsCenter if it's been a couple of days... I think Tom is entertained/scared by my sports watching these days.
Oh how things change.

The Food Network watching is less surprising - I have learned many many
new techniques and have picked out several new recipes.

Ah, good times while nursing.
Hey, a girl has got to do what she can while having no free hands.

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