Friday, November 30, 2007

Vaccinations, Acid Reflux and all things less than fun at the Doctor's Office...

Cyanne had her "2 month" check-up this morning (even though technically she's actually 9 1/2 weeks old now.)
The 2 month visit - as most of you know - brings shots. 4 of them! And two oral doses.
However, one of the oral ones was Infant Tylenol so that one was okay. Cyanne really wasn't sure what she thought of the cherry flavor. Quite different than milk, that's for sure!

Here's the update:
Weight: 10 lb, 1 oz.
Height: 21 1/2 inches (she grew 1 1/2 inches since the last visit)

The Ped. gave her an "A++" for this visit. =) Everything looked great.

We also then discussed some of our difficulties when feeding her as of late and he determined that she is experiencing some "acid reflux." Poor girl.
So, we are now equipped with some Zantac in liquid form that we're going to try and see if that helps her upset tummy.

Then... the nurse came in... bearing a tray of shots (4!! as I said above...) and the oral doses.
Cyanne was a trooper.
She was a very good little girl - she did cry - but stopped right away once the ordeal was over.
I did okay... =) (as did Tom). I didn't cry though it was hard and I had to fight it off as I was holding her, staring down into her little face and eyes as they filled with a look of shock followed rapidly by pain as she got each shot. I just felt so bad because she had no idea what was going to happen, what was happening, and why it was happening.
And we get to do it again in 2 months time.

She's been okay so far - we have the Infant Tylenol close at hand to give it to her if she gets fussy - but she seems to be handling it all well at the moment. Perhaps I shouldn't say that until we get past a couple of days so as not to jinx myself.

Just wanted to post this so you could have the update.

I will post several posts w/photos this weekend - we've had several "blog-worthy" events happen recently.
Plus she's getting pretty darn cute and that's reason enough, right?

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