Friday, July 18, 2008

Visit with Dr. Brennan

Cyanne had her 9 month pediatrician appointment this afternoon.
(a wee late technically, as she turns 10 months on the 26th of July...)

Here are the stats:
Height: 28" (70%)
Weight: 20 lb, 4 oz (75%)
Head Circumference: 46 cm. (93%) - Our girl's got a big noggin'!

Dr. Brennan was very happy with how she looked and responded.
She's right on track - he supposed she'd walk/crawl/stand all at the same time - within the next month or so... we shall see!

She smiled and laughed right on cue - as he walked in the door...
Plus, this was a no-shots visit so that was a good thing (for all involved!)

We peppered him with our usual questions and learned much about eating... among other things.

Cyanne hits 10 months in just a few days -
We will post photos of the 'occasion' then.

1 comment:

Holly said...

How fun to visit here and find this update on Cyanne! Congrats on the big noggin'! I'm sure that means this little lass is destined for great things. She was pulling from a pretty strong gene pool, after all. Looking forward to updates on the the walk/crawl/stand moments! Sounds like she may just skip the intermediate bits and get right to the walking. -Holly E