Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cyanne's 1st Swim Lesson

Today, Gammie picked Cyanne up from school and took her to her 1st swim lesson at La Cumbre with Bobby!!

They arrived at 4 PM. Bobby took charge and Cyanne did a fantastic job. She blew bubbles in the water, kicked her legs ("flutter kicks"), and practiced her arm strokes. She also began to learn about holding the wall/side of the pool aka "crab-walking."

Bobby said she did a great job!!

Cyanne came home saying "I blew bubbles! I blew bubbles! Big kicks! I made big splashes in the pool! Lots of water! Water, high, high in the sky!" over and over =).

And now, one of Cyanne's constant requests is going to the pool.
Every time we drive by the La Cumbre exit on the 101, Cyanne (who has her father's incredible, amazing sense of direction, which is great) says, "Pool, Mommy! Pool! Up there!" pointing to the hill where the Club is...

So, each Thursday at 4 PM she has a standing lesson with Bobby until she is officially "pool safe." I think she's going to get the hang of it pretty soon!

Good job, Cyanne!!!

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