Monday, January 31, 2011

Cyanne's Words

We were trying to remember the other day the many different words or versions of words Cyanne has used. Here are some which she used to say and some she still says. Some are too cute that we don't rush to correct her =):

In the past:
Bananas = Bayas
Tomatoes = Ma-tae-toes
Straw/Blue/Raspberry = Straw/Blue/Raspbaby or babies. "I love Strawbabies! They are soooo juicy!" Conveniently, we don't eat many blackberries. This is somewhat entertaining, though =).
Water = Agua or Ah-wah
Blabey = Baby. "My name is Cyanne Baby!"

Hamburger = Hang-a-burr
Carrots = Carricks
Sandwich = Sam-wich (though my guess is this is a fairly common one...)

For fun (she knows it's not right but likes to say it anyway):
Sister = Sis-tee
Maritt = Mini, Mareitch, Marebear, Po-po, Bo-bo, Po-Peach, Bo-beech, Mary/i (The current favorite as of 2011 is "Bo Bo" for Maritt).

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