Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Cyanne must have some Russian in her we didn't know about.
We are now "Daditch" "Momitch" and for Maritt: "Maritch" or her new nickname for her: "Po-popitch" (sounds like Po-popeach). She's making up words constantly. I keep telling her we need to use real words otherwise Maritt's going to be speaking some form of Russian-influenced Cyannese...
It's very entertaining for us though. She will hit Maritt on the head and say "Hi, bo-beech!" (note - Tom and I chuckle at times when this is said otherwise =))...) "Hi, Po-Popitch!" "I love you, Po-popitch!" She likes to add -itch to most words.
It sounds like she's speaking some odd form of Russian.

Maritt looks at her and mimics her... I think we're going to hear all sorts of "words" for her other than Da-da and Ma-ma and book.

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