Friday, June 27, 2008

One Week to Go...

We three are very, very excited!
One week from today we will fly to New York to see Cyanne's grandparents, her two aunts, and the extended Blabey/Buxton families!

Each morning we can wake up and say: "Cyanne, in 7 (whatever it happens to be) days, we'll be getting on a plane and flying to the East Coast! You're going to the Lake!!"

Tom & I have really been looking forward to this trip. Not only because we crave a vacation... but also because we're so excited to take Cyanne on a plane, on her first vacation, and mostly - to see her grandparents and aunts!
As well as meet all of the wonderful great-aunts and uncles and multitude of cousins she has back there!
Plus, we've convinced a few of our good friends to rendez-vous at the Lake over Fourth of July weekend, so she'll get to spend some quality time with her "Uncles" Jay, Rob and Phil, buddy Mia, and "Aunts" Mara and Jenn. =)

And in addition, I'm secretly curious to see her reaction to the oh so "refreshing" lake water - it'll be quite chilly for her little body.
She seems to like the Pacific though, and that's not much different!

The countdown begins!!
(as does the task of trying to pack for a baby...)

We're really looking forward to seeing all of you!!!

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