Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Update II: Heading to Week 37!

Tom and I went to the OB this morning at 8:30. I did another fetal stress test - baby was much more cooperative this time and basically didn't move around too much. But moved enough to make the doctor happy!
I will confess - I did poke and I'm sure annoy her to get her to move around enough. No nap time for you, my dear!

Then, we went and Dr. Echt measured the amniotic fluid amount. She found one pocket and then said "Come on baby, where's all of your fluid?" Followed by silence... and searching... moving the thing over my stomach. My mind started going. All of a sudden I thought: wait a minute, could she really say we have to go to the hospital? And the cascade of thoughts that came from that idea... But then, what I'm sure was only a few seconds later but felt like a LONG time to me - she said "oh good, here's another pocket of fluid. You're good." Phew...

She measured the fluid at 9.3. Last week it was 12.3.
I asked if we should expect to go in next week if it keeps dropping like this - i.e. if it were 6.3 next week we most certainly will be going to the hospital - but she thought it might likely stay steady or drop minimally - hopefully. She thought we might even make it to November which would be amazing in my mind.
So, we shall see.
We go back next Wednesday the 28th.

Yay! Good job baby!
She's head down and ready to go. She's definitely 'dropped' quite a bit lately. Even some of the ladies at my office have been commenting on how she's dropped and seems ready to enter the wide world. Though not yet!

It was funny though - Dr. Echt, when looking to see if she was head down, said "Oh! She's got a LOT of hair! About 8 cm worth! And it looks dark!"
So apparently, baby girl has a lot of hair growing... and yes, I learned my lesson last time. No comments from me about whether any of my children should have blond hair. Oh, the wonder of genetics. =)

Yay for another week!
Week 37 here we come, baby!

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