Friday, July 16, 2010

Feist's 1234 Song

Cyanne currently loves Feist's "1234" song.
Each time we get in the car she says, "Mommy, the 123 song! I LIKE that song! Mommy likes it too! Mommy, I want 123 song!" until I put it on.

It's very cute - she sings along with the tune and some of the words and obviously, the counting.
Though it distresses her because in the song, she sings "1,2,3,4,5,6,9 and 10" and skips 7 and 8. Each time, Cyanne starts to say "7" and then stops and skips to 9 and 10.
Part of me thinks this is bad as it'll mess up her pretty darn good counting skills but then I think, she won't forget about 7 and 8. You can't really forget 2 numbers...

Sesame Street had the 1234 song on and used 4 penguins by the door, 4 chickens just back from the shore, 4 monsters walking 'cross the floor. And from there, Cyanne has loved it.

She's clearly inherited my tendencies to listen to songs over and over and over. Tom does not do this really and he makes faces when I want to listen to songs over and over. I occasionally tell her the Ipod is "not working right now" (to which she says very clearly, "is not working Mommy? Why not working? need new batteries, Mommy? Mommy fix the ipod.") if I need a break but, we eventually I put it on. Now, it's Cyanne who is relishing listening to the song over and over and with each listen, she sings along a little bit more, sings the lyrics a little bit more, and dances around in her car seat a little more.

I think we'll keep playing it on our drives in the car. =)

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