Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun with the camera/new lens

One of the things I enjoy most is taking photos. I treated myself to a new lens - there was an "occasion" but now I can't recall what it was but in any event - it merited a new lens/present for me =). I recently purchased a 50 mm 1.8f/stop lens that allows me to take better portraits of the kids and anything else. It's a fantastic portrait lens and creates the effect, depending on the settings, of blurring out the background while keeping the subject in very clear focus.

Here are several that we liked - okay, many we liked:

Photos of Maritt in her room:

Such a sweetheart.

In the afternoon, we spent a couple of hours outside on Sunday enjoying the gorgeous weather and I took the opportunity to take some photos of my two best models.
Cyanne, ever the elusive, mostly non-smiling one and Maritt, the smiling, rolling, constantly moving, toys in mouth one =).

Cyanne - We were talking about how, in some of these images, we get glimpses of what she might look like in 10 years...

I love this one:

Playing together outside:

Loved this one, too. I have my camera, she has hers:

Pure joy:

Inspecting knees, legs, and toes with Daddy:

Having two beautiful girls makes the job much easier on the photographer...


Anne said...

Kristen, what can I say - those are all wonderful! Glad you got the new toy!

Terri said...

You got some GREAT shots Kristen! Love it! Love the profile shot of Cyanne too. So pretty. Such beautiful girls!