Monday, July 26, 2010

Memory & Directions

I know parents often talk about how smart, cute, adorable, smiley their kids are. And, I'm sure it's all true. It must be because I do it too.
And, here I go again:
I am constantly amazed at both Cyanne's memory and her intuitive sense of direction (Daddy gets all of the credit for that one).

For example:

This morning, we passed a truck carrying a large load of lumber.
Mommy: "Cyanne, look at all of that wood!"
Cyanne: "Mommy, it's lumber. I saw lumber with Nanna in Cooperstown!"
Now - not only did she use the correct word but she recalled seeing a truck with lumber on it which she saw only once while driving with Anne in Cooperstown in the beginning of June. I haven't used that word since nor reminded her of seeing it.
I was impressed.

Same car ride in to school:
Cyanne: "Look! The train tracks are empty. No train on the tracks. Must be someplace else. At another station picking up people. But, Grandpa says rail. Grandpa no call them train tracks. Rails. But, I like train tracks better. Train tracks better, Mommy?"
Richard/Grandpa had had a conversation with her about train tracks one morning we were visiting... she was listening.

This past Sunday, Cyanne and I went on a playdate at her friend Rafaela's house (with Cami and Cali, too). She had never been there before. On the way there, she kept saying "No Mommy, the other way, don't go this way" until I told her it was a new place and we had to go a new direction as we'd never been which elicited an "oh... okay."
So today, as we were whizzing past the Patterson off-ramp off 101 at about 75 mph, she points to it and says "Mommy, that's the road we use to go to 'Falella's house!"
Again, impressed.
How does she remember a random, concrete off-ramp that she's taken only once before? And, where it goes to?

Each time we pass the exit for My Gym, Cyanne says " My Gym. Up there. To the left. Pool to the right" as the Club and pool are up on the hill to the right. She also sometimes mentions "Gammie's house" which is also off to the right.

There were a few other things she's said recently that have just blown me away.
She has an incredible memory and a memory for the smallest details.

She also always points out the street that her friend Cali lives on which we have only visited once almost every time we drive by it on the way to school in the mornings.

She has a clear, strong sense of direction. I'm glad as I lack this certain trait though Tom has it in spades. He has one of the best if not the best sense of direction I've ever experienced and hopefully, it seems as though Cyanne has inherited some or a lot of it. She is going to give him a run for his money in the direction department!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Do you know anyone who can speak Spanish (or French) around Cyanne? She's probably at the age where she'd just soak it up! I liked her comment about liking the word train tracks better than rails...