Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Joys of Sleep Training

We have embarked on the process of "Ferberizing" Cyanne.
Last night was our first foray into the world of sleep training. We got C. all dressed and ready for bed, fed her, and read a book. Then, we put her in her crib and proceeded to go through the whole process.
She started to cry. We waited the first 3 minute period.
We went back in and talked to her and tried to calm her down.
We left again for the next period - 5 minutes.
She kept crying.
We went back in and tried to soothe her.
We left again for the next period - 10 minutes.
Ah, the sounds that came from our monitor. She was one unhappy, exhausted, crying baby. Poor girl. But boy, she's got a good pair of lungs...
Tom went in after 10 minutes to talk to her and try and calm her down.
Then... miraculously... 2 minutes into the next 10 minute period, the monitor went quiet.
There was silence.
We turned on the monitor to look at the screen and there she was, on her stomach, fast asleep.
She was still breathing pretty heavily but she was asleep.
We looked at each other, then the monitor, then each other...
It actually worked - at least for last night.

I'm trying it right now as we speak for a nap this morning and we're almost done with first 5 minute portion.
Someone is not happy. In fact, extremely unhappy would be more apt.

I feel so bad and it's so hard to hear her cry. She just seems so upset, sad, frustrated... And the tears... her hair gets damp from the tears. Her face is all red and blotchy.
Poor baby...

But hopefully, we're teaching her to be a better sleeper.

Wish us luck. Wish her luck. It is a rough process.

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