Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Today, Tom, Cyanne and I visited the Santa Barbara Cemetery. I wanted to show Tom how beautiful and touching it is there on Memorial Day with all of the flags blowing in the breeze, marking the final resting places for all of the veterans.

We visited some very special people there this afternoon.

It did turn out to be a beautiful afternoon - quiet, peaceful, and all around - flags blowing in the breeze.

Many sections had flag after flag positioned above stones or markers, honoring those who had served our country, including my grandfather.
We also stopped to pay a visit to my brother John as well as an old friend of mine, Jennifer.

Here are a few shots:

This is my grandfather's stone. He served with the Navy in the Pacific Theater during WWII.
I had wanted to introduce Cyanne to her great-grandfather but alas... the serenity of the place lulled her to sleep. As she took her afternoon nap in the car, I told him a little about her. I promised we'd come back to visit him and she could 'meet' him.

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