Thursday, May 22, 2008

While Daddy is away...

Cyanne and mommy shall play.
Or, at least, attempt to.
Now that Tom is back home (as of this afternoon), I feel okay posting about our first three days alone.
This is noteworthy for a few reasons and those of you who know me, know that I have, as Tom likes to say, "a very overactive imagination" and thus, when left to my own devices, alone in an old farm house on a large plot of land, will come up with all sorts of varying scenarios.
Tom left Tuesday to go on a work trip to Sacramento.
Cyanne and I took him to the airport and bid farewell.
We then stopped at Starbucks to fortify me... and journeyed home.
There are those of you who have been alone with your babies already and kudos to you. I had been dreading Tom leaving ever since he told me (which was about two months ago) about the trip.

I do not like being alone in that house: it is old. It is very dark. It is surrounded by coyotes at night. Lucky barks at varying things and my mind starts to whirl about what he sees beyond the pale glow of our porch light. The branches of trees and bushes scrape the windows. The wind howls. Screen doors slam with the gusts of wind. The floorboards creak.

My sense of unease was heightened exponentially having a baby sleeping in the room next door. I kept wondering - if someone comes in, do I run and grab her? Do I check out the disturbance first? How do we hide when she's bound to make noise?

And no, to your thinking, I am not normally this neurotic. Tom likes to say I've read too many books and seen too many movies. Perhaps. Either way, my mind takes on a life of its own when I am lying there, in bed, listening to the noises around me.

But at any rate - the days went well. Cyanne was a very good sport. We had fun. She's learning to sleep - we're still working on the sleep training.
We did the usual eating, sleeping/napping, playing, reading books, lots of rolling... and more rolling... walks with the dog. Throwing the ball to Lucky and being outside must be her greatest joy, as far as I can tell. She smiles constantly and laughs when he runs up to her. He gives her a slick on the face and she giggles. It is very cute.

I am very glad that Tom is back - but I am also happy that I was able to spend the days alone with her. Lots of quality mom and baby time. We made it through the evenings (with a glass or two of wine to help calm the nerves...) and tried to come up with fun things to do and read during the day.

We get to do it again for 5 days in June... Which, me being me, I am already starting to think about. I'm game if anyone wants to come and have a sleepover... I'll make some tasty, gourmet meals and supply fun beverages... any takers? =)
Cyanne promises to be on her best behavior and to shower you with smiles and kisses.

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